Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Slugs warming up for the big race.

It's 13 degrees, snowing, and the wind is blowing hard, and you have to believe summer is just around the corner.  I know it's coming because yesterday we set the opening date for the Blaine Gardener's Market for Saturday June 2nd, and it will officially stay open until Saturday October 6th (although some die-hards stick it out until the end of October.)  The Marketeers will gather every Saturday from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM to sell local veggies, fruit, prepared foods, art and crafts.  The fee for a booth ranges from $1.00 to $4.00 per Saturday, and set-up begins at 8:30 AM.  There will be special Saturdays, including the opening Saturday which will be the 3rd Annual International Slug Race (check out some of the fine racers getting ready for the opening bell in the picture.), a Kid's Day at the Market (TBA), Drayton Harbor Days on August 4th, and an October 6th Harvest Day Celebration.  Venders selling almost anything under the sun, as long as it is not an imported item or a retailed wholesale product (except with special permission to help charities), food merchants, artisans, and Buskers are welcome to join us without a reservation.  just show up on any Saturday during the Market season.

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