Friday, January 27, 2012

Hot Off The Editor's Desk:

On February 20th, the Polka Pirates Accordion Jug Band will be playing 2 gigs.  In celebration of Mardi Gras, they will appear at the Blaine Senior Center at noon, and at 2:00 PM at the Stafholt Nursing Home.

On March 17th, they will be at the Blaine Wings Over Water Celebration located at the Blaine Public School lunchroom.  The themes are birds and St Patrick's Day.  A fine combination, especially when mixed with polka music.

Cathy has now added ukulele to her repertoire of instruments, and she will debut her new skills at these shows.  We also have new band members, and they also play ukulele.  Ron is still working on his ukulele skills, but may get in a few licks.
Three New Activities In February Coming From The Circle of Trees Homestead:

1. February 6th at 6:00 PM, winter meeting of the Blaine Gardener's Market at the Blaine Library.  The Market, now in its 4th year, welcomes suggestions from everyone in the Blaine Community.

2. February 11th, Artisan pizza and olive oil dough bread baking at the Blaine Senior Center from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  Open to Center members, and the cost $10.00.

3. February 17th, Broom Making demonstration at the Blaine Senior Center from 10:00 to 11:30 AM.  This is the demonstration that had been previously snowed out.

                                           Raquel and Ron getting the chores done at the farm.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

They say that music soothes the savage beast, and here at the Circle of Trees that means playing polka music with the "Polka Pirates" accordian jug band, and our latest venture, Ukuleles.

As to the next gigs with the band, look for us in February at the Stafholt Nursing Center, bringing joy to those who can't get around, and perhaps at the Blaine Senior Center in celebration of Mardi Gras.
We'll probably reschedule the snowed out music party that was to be held in January for February too.
There will be St Patrick's Day celebrations to attend, spontaneous drop-ins at local restaurants in Blaine,
playing polka music for the Blaine Elementary School in April as part of their Let's Move Blaine program, and there are rumors of a Flash Mob polka dance in downtown Blaine some time in the spring or early summer.  Now that will be a hoot!

Cathy has been plucking away at her concert ukulele, and she's getting the hang of it.  I just got a soprano "pineapple" ukulele, and I'm working on some blues chords.

We're staying warm chopping wood, and getting ready to drop a few trees.  Winter is the best time to read, play music, and sit around the fire, and make plans for when the sun returns.  Stay tuned for more from the farm, including what's happening in our barnyard from the animals. (Ducks, chickens, goats, and patches the cat.)

Friday, January 20, 2012

The e-mail I sent with Cathy's Blog address was incorrect.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Howdy fellow musicians,

                              Our baby muscovy ducks making the best of their first snow storm.

Our hill is still covered with ice and snow, and it is very slippery,  The promised rain has not developed yet, and it's still below freezing.  The music party planned for Sunday is officially postponed, and a new date will be announced in the near future.  Stay warm and safe everyone, and talk to you soon.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Speaking of hayburners, after 45 years of talking about horses, last year around this time of year I got a beautiful American Paint on a care lease.  At first, all seemed to go well with Sly here at the Circle, if you don't count trying to kill a goat the first week and charging Cathy (stopping only inches from her at a full gallop).  He also challenged me at the gate with another charge that kicked up chunks of dirt because he stopped so fast.  I guess nobody bothered to tell Sly he was a gelding and no longer a crazy stallion.  Well after a month of training with a trainer using a variety of horse whisper methods, he only bit me once, kicked me once (all intentionally), rolled in the saddle, and spent so much time with his ears back, I thought they had been pinned there with clips.  All this fun, and I never got to ride him once because the trainer didn't feel confident enough in me and the horse getting "that connected"...yet!
Alas, Sly went back to its owner 4 months and $1500.00 dollars later.  So much for "kid friendly, husband ready" horses.

           Tara took this picture of Sly, Cathy, and Ron on the hill near The Circle of Trees.

Forty five years is a long time to have an itch, so I still have an interest in having a horse on site here at the Circle, but differently.   What would work is a partnership with someone who only has 6 months a year to put into their horse, and needs six months for work or other recreation.  We could also cover each other at other times so we could go away on brief vacations.  If you have a horse, and/or a horse property (or not), we could share a well trained/broke horse.  That way we could cut the cost and the time commitment in half, and still have all the fun of keeping a horse in our life.  So if any of you readers find this notion intriguing, contact me.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Slugs warming up for the big race.

It's 13 degrees, snowing, and the wind is blowing hard, and you have to believe summer is just around the corner.  I know it's coming because yesterday we set the opening date for the Blaine Gardener's Market for Saturday June 2nd, and it will officially stay open until Saturday October 6th (although some die-hards stick it out until the end of October.)  The Marketeers will gather every Saturday from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM to sell local veggies, fruit, prepared foods, art and crafts.  The fee for a booth ranges from $1.00 to $4.00 per Saturday, and set-up begins at 8:30 AM.  There will be special Saturdays, including the opening Saturday which will be the 3rd Annual International Slug Race (check out some of the fine racers getting ready for the opening bell in the picture.), a Kid's Day at the Market (TBA), Drayton Harbor Days on August 4th, and an October 6th Harvest Day Celebration.  Venders selling almost anything under the sun, as long as it is not an imported item or a retailed wholesale product (except with special permission to help charities), food merchants, artisans, and Buskers are welcome to join us without a reservation.  just show up on any Saturday during the Market season.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

February, we will once again be teaching artisan bread baking at the Senior Center (they have a board of health certified kitchen).  On Saturday February 11th, from 9:00 to 1:00 we will teach how to make olive oil dough and really amazing pizza.  There will be plenty of samples and some to take home.  The cost is $10.00 and it is open to members* of the Center.  We've been amazed over the past four years how quickly our bread classes book up, and there is always an overflow of students, so register as soon as it is advertised. (*You must be 50 or older to join the Center, and it costs $25.00 a year.)
Unfortunately, the broom making demonstration at the senior center has been postponed to Friday February 17th due to snow.  It will be from 10:00 to 11:30, and it is open to the public at no charge.

Monday, January 16, 2012

On Wednesday January 18th from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM at the Blaine Senior Center, Ron will do a demonstration of old time broom making.  There is no charge, and brooms will be available for purchase.